20  OOP Tricks

20.1 Avoiding Inheritance via Composition

class Stack(list):
    def push(self, item):
class Stack:
    def __init__(self, *, container=None):
        if container is None:
            container = list()
        self._items = container

    def push(self, item):

    def pop(self):
        return self._items.pop()

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._items)

Ref: Beazley, David M. Python Distilled (p. 259). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.

20.2 Avoiding Inheritance via Functions

class DataParser:
    def parse(self, lines):
        records = []
        for line in lines:
            row = line.split(',')
            record = self.make_record(row)
        return records

    def make_record(self, row):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class PortfolioDataParser(DataParser):
    def make_record(self, row):
        return {
           'name': row[0],
           'shares': int(row[1]),
           'price': float(row[2])
parser = PortfolioDataParser()
data = parser.parse(open('portfolio.csv'))
def parse_data(lines, make_record):
    records = []
    for line in lines:
        row = line.split(',')
        record = make_record(row)
    return records

def make_dict(row):
    return {
        'name': row[0],
        'shares': int(row[1]),
        'price': float(row[2])
data = parse_data(open('portfolio.csv'), make_dict)

20.3 Static Methods

Sometimes a class is merely used as a namespace for functions declared as static methods using @staticmethod. Unlike a normal method or class method, a static method does not take an extra self or cls argument. A static method is just a ordinary function that happens to be defined inside a class.

20.3.1 Simple

class Ops:
    def add(x, y):
        return x + y

    def sub(x, y):
        return x - y
a = Ops.add(2, 3)
b = Ops.sub(4, 5)

Ref: Beazley, David M. Python Distilled (p. 272). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.

20.3.2 Advanced

class StandardPolicy:
    def deposit(account, amount):
        account.balance += amount

    def withdraw(account, amount):
        account.balance -= amount

    def inquiry(account):
        return account.balance

class EvilPolicy(StandardPolicy):
    def deposit(account, amount):
        account.balance += 0.95*amount

    def inquiry(account):
        import random
        if random.randint(0,4) == 1:
           return 1.10 * account.balance
           return account.balance
class Account:
    def __init__(self, owner, balance, *, policy=StandardPolicy):
        self.owner = owner
        self.balance = balance
        self.policy = policy

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Account({self.policy}, {self.owner!r}, {self.balance!r})'

    def deposit(self, amount):
        self.policy.deposit(self, amount)

    def withdraw(self, amount):
        self.policy.withdraw(self, amount)

    def inquiry(self):
        return self.policy.inquiry(self)
a = Account('Guido', 1000.0)
b = Account('Guido', 1000.0, policy=EvilPolicy)